First. Why, as a microbiology major, is it a requirement to take 3 semesters of language? Yes, I understand the whole liberal arts track and everything, but it's not like I will understand/retain any of this after these three semesters, ESPECIALLY with this kind of teaching.
Second. Why must everything be done on a computer. Little computerized voices that say phrases 90 to nothing DO NOT help me learn. In fact, I can't complete those assignments because I don't have the slightest clue at a single WORD they say.
THREE. If it's a beginning, French I course, I don't think students should be expected to comprehend as much French as they think we should. Walking into class the first day not hearing a single word of English was a little discontenting, especially for someone who has never been in a French class in their life.
To sum things up, I HATE FRENCH. The sad thing is, I was really looking forward to this class, really looking forward to hopefully studying abroad in conjunction with my French class. As of right now, I still want to do it, but only to see France, not to further develop my VERY lacking communication skills.
How I feel at this moment:

Welcome to college language courses. Now do you see why I encouraged you to take all of your language classes in HS?! :)
You can't take credit for any high school language classes, no matter what. Even if you made a 5 on like Spanish 17 or something.
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