Monday, December 6, 2010

Have you ever thought about the Peace Corp? In elementary school I was in this gifted and talented program called T.A.R.G.E.T. My 5th grade year we studied all about a young man who was serving in Malawi with the Peace Corp. Fifth grade was kind of an interesting time to go in depth (and I mean depth.... who know about the economic industries of Malawi?) about the Peace Corp, but I always thought it was interesting. Recently (as in since I have been in college) I have given it more thought. I read up on it, and found out the term of a Peace Corp volunteer was 23 months. TWENTY THREE MONTHS. That seems like a crazy long time. But imagine the difference these students make? How much they can get done? I think it would be very hard for me to be gone from my family and friends this long, so chances of me ever doing something like that would be slim. But it got me thinking. What would I do if I could do anything in the world? Where would I go, what would my mission be? I think if I was more comfortable with being away for prolonged periods, the Peace Corp would be it.


Rachel said...

I have thought about doing the peace corps, but I don't think I could be away for that long either.

emily/thesearethedays said...

I think you should think about joining the Nix corps, where you can bring goodwill to certain Olives and Toads. I heard they're looking for ambassadors.