Thursday, December 9, 2010

So, I know my last few posts have been "doubters". But when I have something on my mind, it makes me feel better to write it on here and in my journal. Hopefully this one isn't so depressing. But hey. No promises. Whenever I am having a bad day, or even just need a pep-upper, I listen to Hillsong. My college church, Journey, holds a college worship service every Tuesday night called Lifestream and the band could for real be Hillsong. They are so talented, and having such GREAT worship really impacts me.

This is one of my favorite songs, You'll Come. It really pulls me through when times might not be the best. Actually, listening to this song makes me cry, but in a good/release kind of way. Listen to it, for real!

"As surely as the sun will rise, You'll come to us. As surely as the dawn appears to us. You'll come. Let your glory fall as you respond to us. Spirit rain. Flood into our thirsty hearts again!"

Day after day God is there with us. Not even the promise of a morning is as great as God's. God wants us, wholeheartedly. He desires our hearts more than anything, despite our immense flaws. But we don't reciprocate. We might follow after His heart, but only sometimes. Only when we need reassurance. God wants us fully, but we barely want him. Despite our own half-heartedness, God still loves us more than we can EVER imagine.

I'm reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan, a book I started in the summer but never got a chance to finish. Chan says it perfectly that "the irony is that while God doesn't need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but act like we don't really want him most of the time." What a CRAZY love. Someone is so devoted to us, but we aren't even close. What a love.

How great is OUR God, who loves us more than we could ever imagine, than we could deserve! His grace overpowers our burdens. One of Hayden's favorite verses, Matthew 11:30 states just this: That God's yoke is easy and His burden is light! Christ's yoke is easy because it's sustained in LOVE. For us! His burden will always be light for us, because with our trust in Him, he takes the weight we deserve to carry! Our flaws can no longer weigh us down! I'm sure there are much better readings of this, but that thought just overwhelms me! How great is our God!

I apologize for my scatterbrained-ness. Sometimes I just have so much to say! I may not be eloquent in articulating what I am wanting to say, but really these are reminders for myself!