Saturday, April 16, 2011

Here's to my week (plus a few) in ten!

1) Hours of ultimate frisbee in my Chacs, finished by dinner at my favorite restaurant, BJ's. Holla atcha alfredo pizza!

2) Starting a "tone-it-up" nightly routine with my roommate. You better watch out, we are gonna be lookers come summer!

3) Sitting, studying, and basking in the sun on the South Oval. Getting rid of the pastiness and getting my tan on!

4)  A roommate date to Olive Garden. Thanks Mrs. Conner for the gift card! One huge alfredo pizza (yes, I am obsessed). Leftovers= a welcome substitute to Caf food, a college student's heaven.

5) Eating Special K Original cereal multiple times a day. Why didn't I start eating this 5 years ago? Love.

6) Starting dissections in bio lab. A starfish for our invertebrate, a pigeon for our vertebrate. Pounding headaches once I leave Richards Hall... thanks preservatives!

7) Making that phat cash at my job... too bad I don't get commission. Why yes, I did make more than $1000 for the University in less than 4 hours. That's what's up.

8) Ordering my first item off of Steep and Cheap! Check that off my list.

9) Crazy weather in Norman with winds that literally knock me off my bike. Please look at the range for next week. All I have to say: whutttttt?!

10) Free Eisley concert at the Union. This concert was amazing, Christie DuPree has an incredible voice for suresies. And Eisley rocked it... I thought this concert was much better than the one I went to a couple of years ago. Definitely a good end to a not so great week!

Can't have a ten without an 11) Seeing my parents for about 10 minutes as they drive through to Nebraska for my cousin's confirmation. Seeing them again on Monday as they drive back down to Texas, and then HOME Thursday night for Easter!

I hope you have a great weekend! Mine will be filled with work, running, and no studying! I suppose I can handle it. What was the highlight of your past week?