Monday, September 5, 2011

Last night (yes, on a Sunday) was my first A&M game as an Aggie. It's absolutely crazy being in the stadium with 89,000 other people, especially when the entire stadium is yelling in unison. One reason I was excited to come to A&M was all the tradition--- yell leaders, midnight yell, 12th man, ring day, etc. I feel like there wasn't a lot of tradition that carried on throughout the years at OU, so coming here kind of made me feel like I was part of something bigger than myself (cheesy, I know). I didn't take many pictures last night but here are a few I managed to snap.

Brothers before the game. A lot of people bring gallons of water to the game to drink because it's so stinkin' hot.

Gig 'em roomzores and besties.

Kyle Field, all three decks. Ay ay ay ay ay!

Two of my favorite people for suresies!

The game's MVP: Most Valuable Potato!