Friday, November 18, 2011

Party Liners

I have spent a good portion of my Friday morning reading through each of the possible Presidential candidates websites in order to familiarize myself with their stance on certain issues. I am taking a PoliSci class right now, and it has actually been incredibly interesting to me. I hope that if you plan on voting that you base your decisions on issues rather than what might be easier, such as voting party lines, whether Democrat or Republican. Challenge yourself to see the good and bad in both stances. Think about repercussions for everyone- not just yourself. From the poorest of poor to the most wealthy. It really makes you think and solidify why you believe what you believe.

In high school I didn't take the "normal" route. I mean, think about it. I grew up in East Texas. I couldn't vote at the time, but you bet if I backed someone I backed them for a reason. That is one thing that I respect. If you are passionate about a candidate because you are informed about their stances then you go and vote what you want to vote! Ignorance in this arena, I am afraid, is not bliss.

Go! Read! Inform yourself!

*Sidenote: Rick Perry doesn't have an "education issues" tab on his website. Just throwin' that out there.


emily/thesearethedays said...

Fortunately, no one who takes national politics seriously thinks RP has a shot to make it on the ballot. I have to make one correction... it's PoliSci, not PolySci ;)