My heart is so heavy today. We found out the my puppy Gus died at 3:46 this morning at the emergency veterinary clinic. The plan was to pick him up at 5 this morning and continue to care for him until he got better, but unfortunately, that plan didn't follow through. He was only four years old so this was such a terrible surprise. The vet didn't know what was wrong with him or what caused him to get so sick so quickly. No one expected him to pass away-- we all figured it was just a doggy flu of some sorts. I can't tell you the pain my family feels right now. Our pets have always been another member of our family, and the fact that Gus was taken away many years before we would have ever expected just leaves our hearts cold and hurting. It is strange to be sitting in my house without my buddy sitting next to me. I spoiled him so much by letting him sit by me on the couch when my parents were at work. He was growing out of his puppy stage into a gentle, sweet ol' guy, and I just loved to sit with him and hug his neck.

From the day we brought home little Graham Green until the night he crawled up in my lap and slept there, nothing could replace those wonderful memories. Gussie, you were such a gentle giant, except when you thought you could use your paws like the cats do. You loved to go and get the mail with me, walks with mom and dad, taking rides in the Mini (which always brought smiles to peoples faces), being the kitchen "vacuum" while mom and I cooked, snoozing on the couch with me, jumping on my bed in the morning to wake me up, and having your neck scratched. I could always count on you to be ecstatic when I came home from school, and to back your big behind into everyone's legs when we were sitting on the couch- a sign that you needed a good scratch. You loved to play with Millie (although Henry might not have been your biggest fan) and you loved to bark at motorcycles and pester the squirrels. We loved you so much Gussie, and I hope you knew that. Nothing can ever replace you. I am sorry I couldn't be there when you left us, but now you have your own big couch and all the peanuts and Kongs you could want in puppy heaven. You were the best puppy, Mr. Goose.

gussie and millie after gus had surgery and wasn't feeling well |
you can always count on him to make you feel better when you are sick |
home for the holidays 2010 |
gus and me celebrating my a&m acceptance |
the last, best memory i have with my goose. |
I love you, sweet puppy.
He was such a good guy. He was getting better, and now, he is better, on a big couch somewhere in dog heaven. Love you, Goose.
So sorry about the loss of your doggie! I know it's tough. You're in my thoughts!
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