Monday, January 17, 2011

The news.
Last semester was pretty rough for me. In many ways. And I just felt like OU was not my fit. I'll be honest, anytime I left here I dreaded coming back. I really don't want my college experience to be one like last semester, because those aren't the glory days I always hear about. So. For the last few months I've had lots of thoughts running around in my head but have been too scared/nervous/anxious to tell anyone about them. But thanks to my wonderful sister (and I really mean that) I kind of put things into perspective and evaluated my situation.
College isn't about being lonely and unhappy. After lots of thinking and praying and talking I have decided to apply for transfer from OU. If you know me at all, you know I'm a big planner and won't really do anything on a whim, so this has been a long time thought out. I have applied to Texas A&M for next fall, and depending on my acceptance and a few other factors here I will hopefully be going there next year. This is where I knew I wanted to go in the first place, but some feelings and ideas in my head made me choose otherwise. But I know this is where I want, and have always wanted to go. I know suspicions might be raised in regards to many things, but honestly, those who know me know that I wouldn't go somewhere I was called, and definitely wouldn't go for the wrong reasons.
I'm so thankful for my family who have been there for two hour phonecalls trying to figure things out. And for my friends here, especially Maggie, who is so supportive and made my time here so much better than it would have been without her.
So there's the 'big news'. Maybe not as exciting or what you might've thought. But I finally feel like things might be getting a little back to normal for me, which is a big "yuh".

In other words, classes start again tomorrow and I am actually excited to get back in the swing of things. Hope everyone had a meaningful and relaxing MLK Day!


emily/thesearethedays said...

love you much. xoxo.

Dara Parker said...

I transferred from UT (my 2nd choice school) to St.Edward's (my first choice school) my second year of college, and everyone laughed at me and called me "CRAZY". In my heart, I wanted to go to St. Ed's. but I was scared of what people would think if I went to the "smaller, private" school. It was the BEST decision. My last 3 years of school were AWESOME, I stopped having panic attacks, and I made tons of friends I had things in common with. UT is a great school - it just wasn't for me. I was still able to cheer for Texas because St. Ed's doesn't have a football team - we are Hilltoppers - yes, a goat/ram/sheep/whatevs...haha! You have to do what feels right for you. You only live once. Live WELL! :) Sam and I are super proud of you. We really hope Elly will be the daughter you (and Emily) have been to your parents. Keep us updated.

P.S. What happened with Pine Cove? Did I miss a blog? Our really good couple friends who we were in Bible study with in Tyler work there full time.