Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's a Saturday without a week in ten?

1. Playing with a baby liger surely has to take the #1 spot in my weekly (or two week) ten. Coolest experience ever!
Yes, this is a baby liger (Fergie) sitting in my lap!
2. Bouldering/climbing for Climb for a Cure and just for fun. And realizing I have no arm strength whatsoever. Working on it. Happening.

3. Campfires and s'mores at Beth's lake house. Boys eating roasted marsh mellows sandwiched between two brownies. That's a sugar overload if I've ever seen one.
Way to go, forest rangers!
4. Seeing campus being transformed with all the tulips being planted everywhere. The landscapers just planted all the other flower beds, so pretty soon the South Oval will be magnificent! And best part about it? Everything is not covered in yellow--- hooray for no allergies!

5. Learning I am a big sleep talker. Which is weird, since at the beginning of the year my roommate was the (incomprehendible) sleep talker. At least I form real words. 'ello somniloquism.

6. Mom and I taking our neighbor, who is like my third grandmother, out to a fancy lunch. She's had a  pretty tough year, so having her to lunch was our treat!
High fives for being a girl!
7. Making more headbands. Which are pretty awesome. Tutorial to come soon!

8. Laying in the hammock with my mom and entertaining the Goose. Despite the chigger/flea bites all over my legs... it was worth it.
That's the Jocelyn and myself.
9. Makin' that cash at the OU Alumni Outreach. I'm the best stinkin' OU telemarketer you will ever know. Holla.

10. Registering, paying, getting ready for my half marathon! May 1st crazies! OKC Memorial Marathon, here I come! (the Dallas marathon was out of the question... I had no way to get there and back without my parents having to drive a bazillion extra hours!) And I get to enjoy a weekend with both my parents in Norman! The first time they will both together be able to visit me!

Because you always need to have an 11) Worship at Lifestream breaking you down and bringing you to tears. Where would I be without the uncertainty in my life, but the certainty that God has it all in His plans? Trust can be difficult. Sweep me away, Lord.

I know many of these things happened over Spring Break, but my lapse in posting has made it necessary to backtrack! Don't worry, we are back on track now! What happened in your week in ten, crazies?