In the meantime, this weekend, my parents and I took a quick trip to Nashville, TN to visit Vanderbilt University.We traveled there to get a better view of the college- to experience the college during a school year (last summer we visited, not a soul was on the campus, so all we could see was the beauty of the campus) and to see if this a place I really wish to pursue. To put it simply, I fell in love. The campus is beautiful, the buildings are magnificent-with old exteriors but wonderful interiors, many great research opportunities, plus a great city to explore. We got to go inside one of the dorm rooms, and they were absolutely beautiful. Some concern was raised about the "type" of people that go to Vanderbilt, (especially with the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" families, as mom so nicely put it, on our tour) but in my opinion, there are uppity people at every college, so I don't see is as a valid argument. I can find my niche in this campus, and can find a great group of friends. It really is an amazing school. I would give anything to have an acceptance letter in my hand right now, in three months venturing off to this campus. Being there made me feel like I was already a student, already a member of the Commodore class of 2014. But I have to remind myself, that in reality, I am not there. And chances of getting there are slim (see here). So now, all I can do is wait and be hopeful. And if things do Not go my way, I will still be an official student at the University of Oklahoma, which is nothing to be upset about, because the campus was great as well. But all I can hope for is Vandy.

On a lighter note, I received a letter today stating I was selected for the David G. and Jacqueline M . Braithwaite Scholarship in Medicine, Biotechnology, and Veterinary Medicine, administered through the East Texas Communities Foundation! Now I am waiting to hear from the Austin Bank and Junior League Young Women's Leadership scholarship committees!
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