Monday, October 11, 2010


It's funny how when you set definite plans for yourself (like writing two and half pages of a paper before 7, eating, then finishing the last 3 pages at 8) can make you focus and stay on goal. I am a little behind in my time commitment to this terror of a paper, but it will definitely be finished by 11 at the latest. Which is great for me, since I usually wait until the VERY last minute to write papers. Normally, come 12:00 tomorrow afternoon, during my 3 hour break before my last class, I would write my paper. BUT NOT TONIGHT! I will be COMPLETE.

Part of this is because I am a stress sleeper. Last night I tossed and turned and dreamt about my paper all night. I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept a wink because my mind was racing in respect to my paper. I had bad dreams about the paper, where I realize 20 minutes before the class I still hadn't written a sentence. How dreadful.