After waking up at 6am (thanks inner alarm clock) I stayed in bed until 8:30 when my REAL alarm clock woke up. Got ready and headed to French where I think I might like my professor, although she speaks really fast and really-not-in-English. So 10:20 rolls around and I head over to my chemistry lecture which starts at 10:30.
I sit down and see my last semester professor. Odd, not who the schedule says. I look at the syllabus being passed before me. Odd, it says Chem 1315. I'm taking 1415 this semester. So, I look at the color-coded schedule note cards I made to check and make sure I am in the right lecture hall. And I am. And now I am confused.
You see, national holidays create a little confusion for me. Here I am, all geared up for my first day of school, ready to go to all my MONDAY classes. Too bad it is Tuesday, and I am a dolt. Yes, I was in the right lecture hall at the right time, but not the right day! Luckily, my next real Tuesday class is at 11:30 so I didn't miss anything.
Here's a picture of what I would rather be doing: sleeping under the covers with Mildred!
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