Sunday, February 13, 2011

 Start by cutting out the felt birds. I made a pattern out of cardstock and traced them a couple of times on the different colored felt.
 I stitched wings on each bird with 4 different colors of embroidery floss, then used black to stitch an eye for each. I thought this was tedious...
 Close up of one of the grey birds with coral wings
I then pinned the birds on in the pattern I wanted, then stitched each individual bird onto the muslin. This took forever, so I spread it out over a couple of hours.
 The finished front before sewing the sides together.
The final pillow. It isn't exactly how I wanted it to end up looking. I meant to add another 1.5 inch space around the outside so that the pillow would have a "framed" pillow, kind of how it looks in the above picture. I am planning on making more that work the way I want them. If anyone would like to purchase this one, or another one, I would be happy to make one! 

Sorry the picture quality is so terrible... I used my iPhone because I was too lazy to go pick up my camera.


Rachel said...

this is so cute. i'll probably have to purchase one soon!

Anonymous said...

cute Jill!! I didn't know you could sew :) you're quite creative! Don't ever lose it!!!