Saturday, February 5, 2011

Here's to jamming out to Iron and Wine's new album on Youtube because I refuse to buy it on itunes. I haven't gathered all my feelings about it, but it is different.

To reading blogs and feeling like I have been lost in a space time continuum and the life I am reading is actually mine (as HJP puts it)

To calling my grandpa and wishing him a happy birthday. And then him telling me about the 12 foot snow drifts on the south side of the house. For those of us navigationally challenged- that's looking out the window underneath the davenport.

To texting my mom to let her know I called grandpa, and also that I am getting a tattoo. And quick phone calls within .009 seconds of my text sending.

To late night talks with Hayden about brown paper bags, YL, "remembering when" and pretending to be frozen on Skype... but not being able to hold a straight face for longer than 2 seconds.

To discovering I fall into the "2-percenters" when it comes to human thought patterns. Watch this.

To stealing more than my allotted 2 sugar cookies from the cafeteria and not feeling guilty. Then storing them away like a chipmunk to eat when I am really craving them.

To helping my roommate get ready for her boyfriend's fraternity's date party. Curled hair, fake eyelashes, fancy dresses for her... cardigans and v-necks for me.

To quilts (background of picture) my mom makes me that I curl up under every night making me wish I was home.


Molly C. Pettyjohn said...

I said pink hammer. Does that mean I'm only halfway abnormal?

Jillian Anderson said...

I said blue hammer, so I was in the same boat! I'm gonna go ahead and say I am all the way in the 2%.... we aren't normal! Haha

emily/thesearethedays said...

I said red box, and then I said red screwdriver when I realized a box is likely not a tool. So.