Monday, October 31, 2011

What I'm Diggin' No. 2

Let's start with my jam for this week.... it's a tie between this Sara Bareilles cover of Little Lion Man (make sure to listen starting around 2:35) and one of my favorite winter songs, rightly named The Winter Song. November starts tomorrow (crayyyy!) so it's right about time for me to bust out the Christmas tunes!

I have a hard time eating my green vegetables, so when Emily told me about spinach smoothies she makes, I gave it a try. Let me tell you. They are wonderful. I can't even taste the spinach. In order to prevent my strawberries/bananas/kiwis/pears from going bad (I make about 2 smoothies a week) I precut all my fruit and freeze it--- an idea I first saw here. I will put up a quick recipe in the next day or so.

I really, really, really, really hope that one day I can see the Northern Lights. Apparently on October 24th there was a huge light show stretching from Canada to Arkansas.

This might be the most wonderful thing I have ever read.

It's about time for wooly sock weather. This whole board makes me giddy. I can't get enough of my maroon and grey striped socks. These things rock. Wonderful wooly goodness when my toesies get a little frozies.

The Holiday was being played on the Lifetime channel yesterday afternoon. Need I say more? Yesterday was just asking for me to be a lazy bum all day.

Playing broom ball and scavenger hunts (or duck calling) with a ton of friends from Young Life in Brazos valley.

An interesting article from National Geographic about Food Arks and their importance as we keep climbing in number. Current population of the world as I type? 7,000,054,385. Yes, a seven, not a six.

And lastly, I love me my ENO and hanging out in it with this guy!

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28