Thursday, February 2, 2012

You Do You, pt. II

It's a little earlier today, aren't you proud?

An update on my week: it's been really hard to be motivated so far since school has started again. I don't know if it's because I am so burned out on last semester and how hard I worked, but I just have zero motivation to do anything. It's a problem, and a very uncharacteristic one for me at that. I need to get my head in the game! Tomorrow we have our Young Life mock clubs. For those of you unfamiliar with Young Life, every week a club is put on for high school/middle school kids where you play silly games, sing fun songs, and watch hilarious skits-- all ultimately geared towards grabbing the kids attention so that they will listen in when a leader gives a "talk" (sharing the gospel). For many of these kids, this might be the only time they hear about Jesus in a week, so we do everything we can to set them up with a wonderful experience. So anyway, as trainees in the Brazos Valley, you have to set up and "perform" a mock club in front of all your peers and current team leaders and others just so you get a real club experience before you are placed on a team and thrown into everything. I am so excited for our team's club tomorrow night. It's going to be so fun. I am nervous though. Everyone says that this is going to be the worst club you will ever experience. So we will see. Prayers around 7pm tomorrow would be much appreciated! Also, tomorrow I start my first day of volunteering at Scott and White Hospital! I am not sure what area I will be working in, but I am hoping for oncology, radiology, or family medicine. Tomorrow is orientation so I cannot wait to give you guys a run down. I am very excited about this.

I took this picture today while I was on campus. There are quite a few of these trees scattered around the campus and they have the most beautiful blooms. When the wind catches the blossoms they float around in the air like the iconic Forrest Gump feather scene. It makes my heart so happy.

Tonight in my small group my wonderful leader Lauren shared something with us that really spoke to my heart. Often times I get caught up in wanting to "go into" my mission field. Whether that be a mission trip to Africa or Asia, working at a camp all summer, or my Young Life kids, I am always itching to go somewhere and do something that I believe fulfills God's calling with my life. What I don't see is that I am placed where I am for a reason. My mission field is all around me. My mission field is within 10 feet of me. God has a divine plan to use each and every one of us, but oftentimes His plan is overlooked in search of the next big adventure or next big way to serve Him. We dismiss the incredible needs right in front of our eyes, seeing those opportunities as inadequate. This was such a statement to my heart this past summer. I felt so ashamed/upset/unimportant that I wasn't allowed the opportunity to serve at Pine Cove. I felt like a lesser Christian because I wasn't a trendy camp counselor who God wanted to use for His glorious work. I was ashamed that I worked in a pottery studio day in and day out, thinking that what I was doing somehow made me inferior and worthless. What I am realizing now is how God put me in that little shop for a reason. The interactions I had, the stories I heard from the little old ladies, the smiles I got from the kiddos when they came and picked up their finished pieces. I hope that I was a light for someone this summer. I know that the Lord's plan is right and wonderful. It definitely didn't follow the plan I had set out for myself, but I am so thankful that my life isn't in my hands. My mission field was right in the heart of little Tyler, Texas, helping four year olds paint their goofy bisque hippopotamuses. I just didn't open my eyes enough to see God's hand in my situation. So now I pray that my eyes are open. That while yearning for the days when I can venture overseas and work as a medical missionary, I keep my eyes focused on the life around me, the people and the opportunities the Lord has provided me with.

I leave you with a most philosophical quote:
"Have you ever pooped in the woods? I mean, really. It's the most freeing thing I have ever done."
-THE Lauren Dunagan, everyone. My small group rocks.


emily/thesearethedays said...

I love this series. And you, so much! We will be thinking of you tonight and praying for you.

Katie Hargrove said...

I walked past these trees the other day and so wanted to take a picture! I am so glad you got one, especially after the rain today! I'm sure they don't look nearly as pretty as they did earlier this week!