Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Desk Space

If you follow me on Pinterest, you might have noticed my newest board entitled "Desk Space." Farm table desks are my newest obsession. I love when rooms are styled with a mix of vintage and more modern pieces, and I think that a desk such as that would be the perfect way. I have spent the beginning of my spring break scouring Tyler's antique stores in search of the perfect (cheap!) farm table to use as a desk. Here are some of my favorite inspirations:

I actually found a desk very similar to the white one pictured above. I went back to said antique store today to get measurements and see how it compares to my current Walmart desk (she's a beaut, let me tell ya!). It matches up pretty wonderfully and it would look great in my room next year in front of the huge windows. We will see if by the end of Spring Break I have a new desk.

In other words, my dad and I are leaving for Tallahassee to visit my sister. I finally get to meet Baby Shep, so I am very excited. Unfortunately, things at my mom's work are crazy so she cannot come with which makes us all very sad. But regardless we are excited!

P.S.- This book has made it onto my wish list. I saw it in person today in Barnes and Noble and got to flip through the pages. It is wonderful! The houses featured remind me of my mom's house which is always nice.