Sunday, March 4, 2012

Instagram Weekend

This weekend was a tiring but incredible whirlwind.

First up, Gattitown lock in Friday night. I stayed up all night (crazy for me!) and hung out with some middle schoolers. It was absolute chaos, but I loved every minute of it. I didn't get home and get in bed until 8 AM Saturday morning, and then slept soundly until about 12:45. I have a ton of studying to do, so I couldn't waste my entire day sleeping. Pictured is my friend and one of my roommates for next year, Megan. She's hilarious! She is a current leader at Jane Long Middle School. We were on "girl's room" duty around 5AM that morning so we made makeshift beds to rest. It's pretty safe to say we were incredibly delirious. Just ask Calvin about my feeble attempts at doing the Wobble in my craziness. It wasn't pretty!

 I went on a walk around my neighborhood per usual when I started getting dozy studying. I figured some fresh air would help to wake me up and get me back in study mode. A street over is a guinea hen hang out. Real talk. These guineas just roam the streets and meander through the allys. I got pretty close to these little guys before they got too scared. This yard has one of those yellow signs in it that says "Guinea Crossing". Only in College Station, folks.

While on my walk, I also say this little guy singing away in the trees. He looked so happy and was certainly enjoying the beautiful weather. Not to mention his picture perfect pose.

This morning I ran my second half marathon, the Armadillo Dash! I hate to say it, but I didn't really train at all for this, which I could definitely feel while I was running. This half wasn't nearly as fun as my OKC one last May, but it was still a good experience. I beat my last race time by ten minutes, which was my only goal. So I consider it a success. This was both mine and Hayden's second race. His mom and sister ran today, too.

No sleep Friday night and the half this morning have left me achey and exhausted. My knees are throbbing, and I am currently walking more like a duck than the normal. My little achey limbs! I have three tests this week so there is no time for a nap, but on the bright side, one week and it's spring break for me!

I hope everyone has a great start to their week!

Oh, an update on roommate situations. I found out this morning that the two girls that were thinking of living with us are signing! So that makes 6 Young Life girls in one house. It's going to be awesome. I am so blessed!