Thursday, June 7, 2012

Long Time Gone, pt. 2

R-A, R-A! N-C, N-C! H! H!
Here's a quick recap of my orientation time at Pine Cove.

Week One: Trailblazing/Ropes Orientation
I am now fully knowledgable on how to tie the following four knots: a bowline on a bight, figure eight follow through, alpine butterfly, and double-overhand safety knot. I am trained to facilitate all ropes elements at Pine Cove, but get the chance to work "The Beast"for activity classes this summer. The Beast consists of the zip line (hanging out on the tower is my favorite!), climbing wall, and the flying squirrel! I got to know some awesome girls that I am so excited to spend time with during the second half of summer.

Week Two: Orientation
Let's start off with the most important piece of information, my camp name! Every Pine Cove counselor gets a new name before camp starts so that kids won't have to deal with calling their counselors and staff "Mr. or Ms. Whatever". Because we get these new camp names, we keep our true identity from them until the last day. Staff go through the "name game" during trailblazing and orientation, which is just a fun time where you are set up on stage and asked bajillions of questions in order for the staff to get to know you better and come up with a name that suits your personality. I ended up being named Swagahontas. The Pocahontas root comes from the fact that I am a Chippewa Indian and love the movie Pocahontas. The Swag part of my name has to do with my Patagonia shorts I wear all the time. Apparently all my ropes friends thought I had a lot of (swag?) due to my apparel, so thus Swagahontas was born. I think the exact question asked was, "Do you have a certain kind of swag in the types of shorts you wear?" So strange.

Anyway, back to orientation. We spent a lot of time going through The Pine Cove Way (watch this video to see the craziness that is Pine Cove) which is the manual for all of Pine Cove staff. We played a fake Commando, had awesome clubs at the Ranch, Shores, and Timbers, played lots of name game, did kitchen crew which might possibly be the funnest position ever(!), got to zip lots of lifeguards and chaos crew down the zip line, did one ZILLION cheers and dances, and made some wonderful friends!

I will be back at camp starting July 7, but until then I am so excited to spend time with my family and friends. I cannot wait to be back with my wonderful friends, but my time at home is sweet, too!