Thursday, December 2, 2010

Professor evaluations are therapeutic.

For my loyal, what, maybe 3 readers, you know of my struggles with my French class. But I know it's not the French I hate, but the professor's lack of preparation and teaching skills. So you know when I got that email to evaluate my instructors I took it and ran with it. Now I know you might think I am ruthless and coldhearted, but if you were taking this class, you would know why. So yes, I exercised my liberties, penned in my grievances, and gave her an evaluation she wouldn't forget. Ok, maybe she will. But I know I won't. And I liked it. And it eased my week just a tad.

In other news. To those of you waiting for a letter in response to some AWESOME letters I have gotten, know they are coming. Be patient young padawon(s). This week I ventured into the inner depths of Hell. But I have come back, and you will be receiving responses shortly!! I am terribly sorry I am such a lousy correspondent. But patience is a virtue, right?