Sunday, January 29, 2012


We have a giant empty wall space in our living room that is needing some love. I bought a 3-pack of flat canvases from Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago and have been wracking my brain for the perfect thing to do. Well, I stumbled upon some inspiration this week and am proud to show you number one of the three paintings that I am going to complete.

My work in progress.

I am very happy with how this one turned out. I added some of my favorites into this painting (the yellow billy balls) and I am glad I did... I think the yellow really popped! I have two more to finish, but unfortunately painting is reserved for the weekends. 

I am trying to decide about the background of the other two. Should I continue with the dark blue/grey background or make the other two painting that will flank the sides of this one a lighter, more airy blue color? Opinions? Ideas?