Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Learning to Be Me

February 1st. Seems like a good day to start a little project. My goal for the next month (and hopefully I will extend it out from there) is to record my daily adventures of learning to become the person God has created me to be. I know the Lord has a radical plan for me in this life, but I still haven't let go and learned to be myself, which is creating a giant ol' roadblock on my way to anything and everything He has set up for me. So this is my goal. To learn through God's grace who He is calling me to be. All my quirks and awkwardness and issues-- they will all still be there, but I don't want them to define me. So here is to a month of discovering myself, awkwardness and all.

Be expecting my first real post at a more suitable hour on February 1st.... 45 minutes into the day is not really doing much for me!