Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Week in Ten

1. The last week in December my mom came down with this cold/throat/nasty sickness. Throughout the course of the week my sister caught the bug, followed by my dad, followed by Hayden (is this related?), and of course, to cap it all off, followed by myself. This is my second time to have this grossness. During finals week I came down with a tremendous case of sniffles and congestion, so I was hoping I would be spared. Looks like I wasn't so lucky.

2. I signed up to run my second half in March. With the way I have felt I didn't get to run very much this past week, but hopefully tomorrow I can start that up again soon. I can definitely tell I haven't run in a while... now to just overcome that.

3. I have been working at the paint-your-own pottery store I worked at this summer. My boss asked me to work while I was home for the break, so I have been working every day. I am thankful to have this little seasonal job.

4. I celebrated Hayden's 21st birthday with him and mix of friends from Tyler and College Station. It was fun to see all those people together. I think Hayden felt very blessed by the people that surrounded him.

5. My mom and I went antique shopping together and got some fun inspiration. I dream about the day I have my own little house to decorate with my mom's help. I guess for now we can focus on Em's nursery!

6. We are officially in car-buying season. My parents and I have been on the hunt for the perfect car to make my permanent car. It's very exciting but very stressful! 

7. My puppy Mr. Goose (really just Gus) came down with something awful last night. He is incredibly lethargic, has very shallow breathing, and cannot sit or lay down without being in a lot of pain. We finally took him to the emergency vet this morning, where the blood work they took came back all normal. They do not know what is wrong with him. He is currently there under an IV and taking antibiotics, hoping whatever it is will be kicked soon. The update we just got said that there has been no change in his state since we brought him in around 8 this morning, which is not the news we have been looking for. If you think about it, please say a prayer for Gussie and for his family that just wants him to get better.

8. One week until classes start up again. Once I am back in College Station I think I will be excited, but right now being home is all I want to be.

9. I officially have my Etsy store set up- now I just have to put things in it. As soon as it's ready I will post it on the blog. It's definitely a work in progress.

10. Date nights to Target and TCBY make my heart very happy. It's the simple things, right? Or maybe it's the 17 pounds of sprinkles I poured on my icecream. Either way.

We cannot do a week without a bonus...

11. I got to catch up with my wonderful friend Andi at one of my favorite places in Tyler, Don Juans. I always feel so refreshed after talking to her, and am so happy that we can still get together even though we are not at the same school. I'm thankful for you, Andi! I hope we can keep up a little better then we did this past semester.

Thank you so much for reading this little blog. I know it's not much, but it's a glimpse into my life that I might not share otherwise. Thank you, friends!