Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just a Little Catch Up

A break from the series for a quick snippet of this week:

I found out last night that I am now officially a member of The Wells Project! I find out on Thursday what team I am going to be on and am so very excited about it.

The Forest Ranger is now officially swagged out with her new roof rack for my bike. I have been waiting on 4 little parts to be able to put it on and I finally got them in. Lookin' fly!

It's been raining non-stop in College Station for the past two weeks. As much as I love thunderstorms it's about time for some sunshine and dry bike rides.

Spring Break is less than a month away. Say whaaa?

My sister's official due date is 2 days away. Little guy S has yet to make an appearance but I am waiting on pins and needles for the moment I get a call!

Volunteering this week was great; I got to work in ultrasound and see lots of sonograms and meet some of the sweetest old men. However, it's furthering my desires to specialize in pediatric fill in the blank down the road.

I've gotten to spend a lot of time with Hayden in the past few days. Crazy schedules make it hard to be able to carve out time for each other so I am thankful that we have been able to.

Young Life placement is getting closer and closer! We are visiting clubs for the next 2 weeks so I cannot wait to go see a Capernaum and Wyldlife club.

So anyway, that's life this week!