Sunday, June 5, 2011

This weekend I took a few pictures for my mom. My parents are fantastic gardeners and pride themselves in the beautiful gardens all around the house. Here are a few of my favorites out of her garden. I had a few that turned out very well. I also had a few critters join me for the shoot which I thought made some of the picture really neat.

 Butterflies loved the cone flowers out by the pool. The heat is rough on them, though.
 Sunset colored day lily.
 Mr. Buzzie on one of my favorites, the red Celosia
Gorgeous Blue Salvia, especially gorgeous with the Red Hot Pokers mixed in there with them.
 Emily and I have planted so many zinnias over the years. Now, the front flower beds are completely overrun with a million types of zinnias. So pretty.
 Red Hot Pokers from my Grandma Great's garden. This is the first year they have sprouted. I wish I would have taken the pictures earlier because there aren't many flowers left!
The biggest critter of them all. And also the biggest nuisance and baby. He barks and gets crazy when the camera gets too close to him. He's the funniest goof.