Sunday, April 29, 2012

Revamped Spool Rack

One of my favorite things to do is garage sale-ing and antique hunting. This Saturday morning I hit up a few garage sales. I was pretty disappointed (I have an ongoing list of items I am searching for) and only bought one item. I found one of these vintage spool holders for $1.50. My mom keeps her thread and bobbins on one at home, so I was very excited when I found it. I am hoping to have a little craft corner in our sunroom next year where I can set up my sewing machine, store fabric and just have a permanent place for all the house's craft supplies. So, I thought this would be a perfect little addition. I decided to spruce up the original wood and painted the rack a sea foam color with gold edges and post tips. I used acrylic paint and ended up painting about 4 layers to cover the wood. I apologize for the terrible quality pictures, but I actually sold my camera recently (hooray!) and am in limbo while I am waiting to buy my next one. When I get it in I will try and remember to take a not-so-terrible picture of the final project!

I am very happy with how it turned out. I was nervous at first, but I am glad I decided to paint it! Have you been garage sale hunting recently? What are the gems you are looking for?