Here's my [small] list of my favorite summer outdoor gear. Some of these things have made my wishlist, some are things I already own and love. The first item on my list is my dream bike, a Trek Lexa bike. One day! Chacos are definitely my footwear of choice. You can splash through water, hike mountains, or just wear them day to day. They really are my very favorite shoe I own, and I think you could guess that by how much I wear them. Moosejaw has this Patagonia sling in their Rewards program. I have enough rewards points to get it, but haven't taken the plunge. It's light and easily squishes into any bag. It would be perfect for camp this summer with all the little things I will have to lug around. And then we have my namesake, my favorite, my baggies. These are my favorite article of clothing ever, and they come in lots of fun patterns, too! (Psst-- I never spend more than $20 on a pair of baggies... if you know where to look, you can find them cheap!) I like them so much because of their length (Nike shorts seem so short to me) and because they dry instantly. Despite my entire family thinking they are goofy, they are my number one clothing necessity. Lastly is the trusty Timex watch. I choose the Timex Expedition collection because you can easily change out the watch band. (I've worn a Chums watch band for many years, but I hear Kavu bands are great, too!) I have worn my watch since 10th grade and cannot imagine not having one on my wrist. It's another big necessity.
This is my go-to outfit during the summers, so I thought I would share it with you guys, too!
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