Friday, May 20, 2011

I've been itching for a day out kayaking for a while now. I really enjoy being in the water and kayaking/canoeing. Because HJP is not home for a while, I wasn't sure who would go out a kayak with me (because let's be real, that's not something normal people often do!) But I have two awesome friends who ventured out to Tyler State Park with me Wednesday for a kayak trip! We packed our lunches for a picnic and had a great time!

Comrade number one. Brown sugar oatmeal.

Partner number two. Tandem kayak partner!

Sweet, sweet friends!

Always repping the MJ! And my great paddle partner. 
I wish you weren't leaving me for Arkansas!

Getting all indie on me!
I'm really wanting to buy an inexpensive kayak for the summer to take out to Lake Tyler/Palestine. My family thinks I am crazy... and let's be real. There is probably a little truth to that. But if I end up at A&M, there is a lake 12 miles away from my house. Perfect opportunity for fall and spring! Yes, it may be impractical, which is why chances of it happening are slim to none. But if I find something on Craigslist for cheap, or decide that I really want to do it after much thinking, I might! I'm not betting on it. Maybe when I'm older. Or in a month. Ish whatevs!