Little did I know, about two weeks ago was this little blog's 1st birthday! I haven't yet reached 100 posts (it's a shame..) but I am almost there!
What a year it has been.
Finishing high school- I feel like this was so long ago. But now, no more AP tests, dress code, tardy sweeps, drill team, busy work. It was great to be finished with high school, but I miss it sometimes. Just the familiarity of everyone and everything. But goodness knows I don't want to step back into that dungeon again, unless for maybe a visit or two.
Summer mini-vacations- Going to Gruene and Fredericksburg, Texas with my parents to float the river was a big highlight of my summer. We hadn't ever done it before, so it was a new experience. We decided to not go on a big vacation but take a shorter, closer one in hopes that we could do something fun this coming summer. But it was so neat to be in the Hill Country and just be surrounded by God's beauty.
The first week of pre-college: rush week- This was the first of many big decisions I have had to make in the past year. So I came to college a week early for sorority rush. It was definitely the strangest experience I have ever been through. At this point I actually began renewing my relationship with the Lord. I think it was because I knew in my heart the whole time that being in a sorority was not what was planned for me, and I needed some guidance. I went through the process, pledged a sorority that I wanted, but decided that being in a sorority was not where God wanted me to be. Leading up to and the short time I went 'Greek' I felt a constant need to keep up in terms of material possessions. And I quickly realized that this was not the life I wanted to live. An endless race for who has what. I much prefer trying to live simply (but by no means am I free from desire) and focusing less on what I want. Of course, I am not saying this as a stereotype, but just as something I knew I would be consumed in, had I stayed in. Nothing against Greek, it's just not for everyone--- not for me. This probably was the best move I have made in college. I do not see myself enjoying staying in with my sorority, even though I met some great people. I have learned I am more comfortable with who I am now.

First semester of college coming to a close- First semester of college was a whirlwind for me. From Ben Kweller concerts to OU football games, it was definitely a semester that flew by. But this was not without quite some heartache. I dealt with some of the greatest times of confusion in my life thus far, from deciding to (hopefully) transfer from OU, finding out I was not hired for the job I thought was in my plans, and just missing my family and friends tremendously. I can't say that my first semester was all that I ever dreamed of, because honestly, it wasn't. But I learned a lot in those four months, and figured out how to stay true to myself. No, they weren't the best of times, but I wouldn't trade these disappointments and upsets for anything. Those were the things that showed me that I can't continue this cycle of planning out my life as I want it to be. God's plan is so much more important, far more incredible than what I have thought out. But I have to be willing to trust in Him and let my hope rest in Him. Consider that a constant work in progress.

And the present: the end of second semester- So we arrive at the here-and-now. I went through Young Life leader training, but didn't get placed because I cannot make a two year commitment to Norman YL (since I might be moving). However, getting plugged into that great, hilarious, stinkin' awesome group of people was a blessing this semester. I don't think I will ever forget leader clubs at the Burgets, broom ball, or the leader retreat. Or the awesome people I have met on the way. I'm still going full force with French, struggling to pull out an A in that class. It baffles me that in about four weeks I will be home for the summer. And it could literally come no sooner. Work plans for the summer are still up in the air, but I am hopeful for the Pottery Cafe job I have applied for. A creative outlet, a welcome relief. I might not be doing what I was expecting to be doing this summer, but I know it's for the better.
So that's my blog-year in review. It's been a trying year, a fun year, a hard year, a full-of-change year. But I couldn't be more blessed by the people around me who lift me up when I need it most. I can't wait to see where I will be in the next year, no matter where I am. I am continually discovering who God is leading me to be, and how He works in every part of my life every day. Thanks to all my faithful little readers! You guys are the bomb!