I feel like my poor little blog has been neglected.
Team Big Truckin', my boyfriend and his roommates' intramural basketball team, made it to the third round of playoffs after winning zero games in normal season. Story of an underdog, no? They were the 61st seed team, but managed to zoom pretty far, even beating the #4 seed team. It was sad for them to lose, but they had a great run. You've probably never seen a fan section like the Big Truckin' fan section. At least 6 girls were in attendance, with the last game topping over 12 girls. Let's just say the 12th Man was out in full force that night. WHOOP!

I had my first Wyldlife clubs, events, middle school lunches, team meetings, team dinners, etc. I adore my team. I just can't put into words how wonderful these next two years with my SFAmily are going to be. Also, I went to do my first contact work last Wednesday. Contact work is where you go and see the kids in their community, aka school lunches. (Incarnate evangelism is the way we do things in Young Life. Jesus didn't make people come to Him, He met them where they were. See John 1:14-- He made His dwelling among us!) I met a few girls, got a few girls phone numbers, and even got to pick one of the girls up for club the next Monday. I am praying the Lord will provide me the courage and the ability to form sweet relationships with these girls. There are some broken kids in this community. I see these kids dealing with things that I would never have dealt with in middle school. Not even in my entire life. Pray for these kids' hearts to be opened and receptive. They have so much potential and so much to live for, they just cannot see it yet!
One of my good friends Calvin got his Aggie Ring one weekend, so I was lucky enough to present his ring to him! We had a fun time and finished out the night eating Laynes (you cannot go wrong with that!) One year until I get mine! Whoop!
All of the roommates (and Jonathan) except for Bryan have their rings. When Bryan gets his next fall they are hoping to have a house ring dunk. I am so excited!
We ran into Matt and Katie on the way to pick of Calvo's ring. Matt just got his that day too. I am pretty sure it made his life! :)
I got to go home for Easter weekend and spend time with my parents. We ate pizza, laid out by the pool (while my dad built a double decker retaining wall... he cannot sit still!), hunted Easter baskets, dyed eggs, and got my mom ready for beginning her first yoga class. Most importantly we celebrated the most important day of history. One of my favorite hymns, The Lamb, says it best: "Worthy is the Lamb whose death makes me His own. The Lamb is reigning on His throne!" Love it.

Seeing my friends on study abroad trips/about to go on trips makes me itch to go! (I'm talking to you, Madi!) A study abroad next summer would certainly be ideal, but with only upper level biology courses left in my track, I am not very sure that's even a possibility. But it's definitely an idea I would love to entertain! Likewise, I am yearning to take a trip to Israel. I am doing a One Year bible reading, along with going through Romans with church, and I just hope that one day I will be able to walk where these stories took place. Bucketlist item for sure!
Secondly, I am considering switching my major from Molecular Biology to just plain ol' Biology. For no reason other than I don't want to have to take the number of labs that MBio makes you take. Pondering.
This Friday is a Jillian Edwards/Johnny Stimson concert in College Station for the Wells Project. It's part of the commitment tour for the 10 Days next Fall. Check out http://10days.cc to see if they are coming to your city! Also, commit to the 10 Days while your at it (top right corner). The whole purpose is to go 10 days one week next fall without drinking anything but water. Whatever money you save by not buying coffee/milk/sodas/etc can be donated to the Wells Project in order to dig wells for people groups who do not have accessible clean water. The location of next year's wells has not been announced, but as soon as it is, I will let you know. Imagine walking 5 miles a day with a 40 pound jerry can full of water because that's the only way you can live. Let's change that!
Emily and Shepherd are coming to visit Aunt Jill in College Station! I am so excited to show her and my family around my city and just hang out with them. Counting down the hours!
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power at work within us, to Him be the glory forever and ever! [Ephesians 3:20]